Arrgh.. No comment. So tired. I done it for 8 hours more or less.
Stupid background , stupid green spinach hair. But love the lips. And the ring. I don't know where i got that font.
Homework status : Untouched.
Music : Imitation Black ~piano version~
HD ver : HERE
Hei, kok kita punya tema yang sama? Aku juga bikin design dari tema Red Riding Hood. :) Here's the link if you want to check it out: click!
BalasHapusRambutnya sangat ... unik. lol :D
Iya kah?
BalasHapusWaduh, di DA.. Yaudah, aku bikin DA lagi! Akun DA-ku ngga tau kemana (toh juga ga ada isinya XP)
Itu~ rambutnya maunya sih kubikin poni pendek (diatas alis) kenapa jadinya malah begini.. Q__Q
Eh, eh, aku uda ngunjungin tumblrmu lo~ >u<d